Auspicious Wellness Optimal Wellness Podcast
Join us in exploring health coaching and personal development, creating significant change with The Auspicious Experience. As life unfolds and current events emerge, we're here to provide answers and share research. Stay authentic to yourself and let's make a difference. Tune in every Tuesday for new episodes to kickstart your week with nourishment for thought and life. We cover various topics and invite guests like physicians, doctors, neuropathic clinicians, and other health/life coaches to share their unique perspectives. Available on Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, Alexa, Overcast, PocketCasts, Castro, Castbox, Pandora Podchaser. See you there!
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Auspicious Wellness Optimal Wellness Podcast
The Break-Up and the fear of getting to the other side Part 2 of 2
Listen to your host Debbie Smith-Torrence as she unpacks life skills, and positive coping mechanism to help with positive change, Breaking down the science (The Limbic System- responsible for the emotion Love) The Science and the emotion of love. Helping you move in and out of change through time and most of all how to navigate the critter brain when it's time to stay or time to move on.
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Are you ready to discover your why? Your why and your belief system are your driving motivational factor and I am here to help you on your way. Tune in or Stream Live on Amazon Tv, Roku Tv, Apple Tv and Android Tv or listen to the Auspicious Wellness Podcast where you get your podcast.